Friday, May 22, 2009

No panties thrown but ...

The four guys on the makeshift stage didn't exactly look like the four famous skinny Brits but they sure sounded enough like them to keep the crowd smiling.

"Did you see that girl slow dancing with herself?" WannaBeatles lead singer Dennis Scott asked the mostly mature crowd at the Music & Memories benefit concert Thursday night at the Fifty Forward Martin Center.

Turns out Martin Center masseuse Kathy McFarlane, dressed in her '60s best, just couldn't stop herself. But most in the audience seemed content to sway in their chairs. Scott seemed a little disappointed that "no underwear is being thrown at us."

It really was a fun night and one that raised much-needed funds for the senior enrichment center. You see, the beautiful facility in the heart of affluent Brentwood suffers from a perception problem. People think it, and its members, are flush with cash. Not so. So fundraising is always a struggle.

If you have some extra funds to disburse, consider a visit to the center. There you can talk to the staff, volunteers and members and maybe throw a few of those extra ones, or hundreds, or thousands, its way.

And if you weren't at last night's concert, here's a taste of what you missed (to the tune of "Yesterday"):

Creme Brulee
I signed up for Jennie Craig today
They said as I was being weighed
"You've had too much Creme Brulee."

You have another chance to hear them June 28 at Crockett Park as part of the city's Summer Concert Series.


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