Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A few updates....

I sure hope you've made Brentwood Home Page (www.brentwoodhomepage.com) YOUR home page, or at least signed on as member. We have fresh stories every day, breaking news as it happens and the best columnists in the state of Tennessee. Truly.
We send our thoughts and prayers to the Mott family, whose Highland Park home was destroyed by fire in the early morning hours of Sunday. We send our congratulations to the Owen Chapel Church of Christ for celebrating 150 years, and to the City of Brentwood for earning an A for its part organizating and orchestrating the record-setting Greater Nashville Race for the Cure on Oct. 10.
You can find out more on all of these stories by visiting www.brentwoodhomepage.com -- The Go To Place for Everything Brentwood.
Don't let those imposter sites fool you: We're the only one for Brentwood, by Brentwood.
Have a great day!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day!

It's Monday, Oct. 12, Columbus Day. Guess that means the BHP post office box won't be filled with any big checks today. So sad.
But if you are one of the lucky ones who get the day off, celebrate by catching up on the all the news at Brentwood Home Page, www.brentwoodhomepage.com.
Take a few minutes to check out our sections, read past columns and submit your group's upcoming events on our community calendar.
And if you participated in, or know someone who participated in, the 2009 Greater Nashville Race for the Cure held on Saturday right here in Brentwood, be sure to check out all the stories, slide shows and photo galleries. You may just see someone you know!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

One month anniversary of BHP start today

Can you believe it's Oct. 1? My dad turns 82 today, Emory & Henry is undefeated in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference in football, the weather is beautiful and Brentwood Home Page is officially one month old.
Life is good.
In the past month, I have written 22 BrentWord columns and at least that many news stories. We've established ourselves as Brentwood's media leader in timely and complete coverage of public safety, government, local sports and more.
Our ad sales are increasing and more and more people are learning that www.brentwoodhomepage.com exists.
We're exhausted. And pumped.
Please continue to send your ideas and feedback, support our advertisers (and tell them you saw their ads on BHP!) and to share our address with everyone you know who works and lives in Brentwood.
AND, if you sign up to be a member by Oct. 7, you'll be automatically entered in our first promotional drawing! This time we're giving away a Nike Sport Watch, courtesy of Fleet Feet. Already a member? Don't worry, your name's already in the pot!
Have a great day!