Did you see this listings in today's Tennessean classified section? If you're on the prowl for something, anything, chances are you can find it in Meadowlake, Chestnut Springs, Foxboro, Highland View, or Carondelet subdivisions tomorrow. All are hosting neighborhood-wide sales.
My carport alone is already stuffed with items for the United Methodist Women's Sale being held in conjunction with the Meadowlake one. All proceeds from our sale will go to missions, so come and make a huge donation to the cause and take home a carload of great stuff too.
- Meadowlake and adjoining Iroquois Estates are located directly behind BUMC and Otter Creek Church of Christ, and across Franklin Road from the Brentwood Place (Kroger) shopping center. Official sale hours are 7 a.m.-2 p.m.
- Foxboro's sale opens at 8 a.m. The neighborhood is located off Concord Road just east of Wilson Pike (on the left if heading east on Concord).
- Highland View, located across from Scales Elementary School off Murray Lane, starts at 2 p.m.
- Chestnut Springs is off Concord Road, five miles east of I-65. Turn right into the neighborhood from Concord.
- The residents in Carondelet must feel sleep deprived, as their sale doesn't start until 9 a.m. The good news is it does run until 3, so you might want to hit one or two of the others before heading here. The neighborhood is located off of Wilson Pike between Church Street and Concord Road.
Speaking of Carondelet, one of my favorite Brentwood neighborhoods, I haven't heard back from its infamous Fourth of July coordinator Michelle Lasley on my offer to be corporate sponsor of its annual parade.Don't you agree "BrentWord presents the Carondelet July 4th Extravaganza" has a nice ring to it? Of course, it would only be fitting if they invited me back as grand marshal. My pearls and gloves are ready and waiting.
A night at the Theatre everyone?
Don't have plans this evening? How about a night at the theater?
Towne Centre Theatre opens Sabrina Fair tonight for a three-week run. This modern-day, well, minus 50 years or so, Cinderella tale has been a film and stage favorite for years. Now we can see it right here in Brentwood.
Curtain time for evening performances is 8 p.m., with matinees at 2:30 p.m.
You can find everything you need to know, including information on auditions this weekend for the theater's next show, Into The Woods, at http://www.townecentretheatre.com/.
Coming soon to BrentWord:
- Citizens for Brentwood Green Space make generous donation to the Brentwood Library in memory of Vance Little. And the library's one spot you can buy the late historian's new book. Details to come.
- An interesting meeting is being planned next Thursday, May 21. Architect Walter Kiskaddon has invited city and county officials, business leaders and owners, and an array of other interested and invested folks to an "introductory meeting" at the Brentwood Cool Springs Chamber's offices to discuss the city's future, specifically the Town Center area. Check back for details, links and more.
- I've heard through the grapevine that Vittles restaurant, the family-friendly restaurant in Merchant's Walk shopping center, may be planning something special for it's seventh anniversary. Always looking for an excuse to eat, I may have to head over for catfish today to get the scoop. Stay tuned for details!
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