Thursday, May 21, 2009

A river runs through it ...

One of my favorite all-time movies is A River Runs Through It. The fact that Brad Pitt is one of the 1992 film's stars has nothing, well, very little, to do with the fact.

My own two boys, Martin and Thomas, often remind me of brothers Norman (played by Craig Sheffer, left) and Paul McLean (Pitt), though I don't expect Thomas to become a professional gambler (or fly-fisherman either, for that matter). He does, however, have the potential, to be like Brad, either through his love of theater or by helping rebuild New Orleans since studying environmental architecture at Tulane is one of the many college options he's considering.

Though Martin will get to the Crescent City to start the rebuilding before his younger brother -- he leaves next week for a summer job leading mission trips in New Orleans -- he's still more like Norman than Paul (but just as good looking as Brad, of course).

What does all of this have to do with the price of beans in China? Nothing except that I loved seeing Brad Pitt being interviewed yesterday on NBC's Today show from Cannes, France, and I was surprised to read that the Harpeth River flows through Brentwood.

A story published in yesterday's Brentwood Journal on the city's sewer improvement project shares lots of great information. But I laughed when reading about the work done on the Turner Farm along the "Harpeth River."

That would be the Little Harpeth, which according to the Harpeth River Watershed Association ( is one of five tributaries to the "Big" Harpeth. The others are the West Harpeth, the South Harpeth, Turnbull Creek and Jones Creek.

Regardless, if you missed it, it's a story worth reading. Just add "Little" to the Harpeth River references and it, too, will flow nicely.

Here's the link:

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