Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beautiful day derails blogging ....

Just read that Tuesday is the best day of the week, the day people get the most done because they're not still recuperating from the weekend, it's not quite hump day, not one day before Friday, or one day until the weekend.
The good news is I got a lot done today. And enjoyed the first truly beautiful day we've had in quite awhile. The bad news? All the promised postings are going to have to wait until tomorrow for delivery.
But here are a few things to chew over while you're waiting for the latest, greatest breaking news in Brentwood....

1. Does anyone remember the name of the Miss USA winner, or even what she looked like? Didn't think so. Bet you know who came in second though.

2. My Cook's Pest Control guy was out yesterday. He asked if we'd had any issues. I asked if he could get rid of the moles. He said the company is working on something. Made my day.

3. Meadowlake subdivision is having its annual neighborhood yard sale Saturday. Time to get out those anti-rain dance shoes again. If your Brentwood neighborhood is having a big sale, let me know so I can spread the news.

4. Check out Kelly Gilfillan's latest blog posting (www.outsidethebrentwoodbubble.com) about an Extreme Home Makeover volunteers from Brentwood Baptist completed last weekend. And if your church, civic group or other organization is doing neat stuff, let us know about it.

5. I'm on the prowl for neat (but cheap!) graduation gifts. Have ideas? Please share.

Check back Wednesday for real news from the streets.


  1. We always give out dictionaries....I know we have one on the computer, but everyone seems to like them.

  2. Tool kits are a great idea and can be purchased at several price points. We have been giving these for a few years and have received good feedback. Everyone needs a screwdriver and pliers.


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