Monday, May 18, 2009

Yellow light in the sky a welcome sight

OK, so it may be 49 degrees at 7:27 this Monday morning, but the sun is out. Let me repeat that. THE SUN IS OUT.

Even better news,'s 10-day forecast for Brentwood shows three straight days of glorious weather. And even though thunderstorms are possible for the following seven days, at least all of the weather icons show at least partial sunshine.

Don't know about you but this is the best news I've heard since Baskin Robbins' 31-cent-scoop night back in April. That and the fact that despite the bum weather, the United Methodist Women at Brentwood Methodist still made over $1000 on their yard sale Saturday.

What good news do you have to share from the weekend? Please post it here! And check back during the day for more news from around the town, including details on Thursday night's planned meeting on the future of Brentwood.

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