Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Students mourn man of magic

The obituary isn't even posted yet, but students of Mr. Jim Dale, a most magical substitute teacher at Ravenwood High School, have already created an "RIP Mr. Dale" page on Facebook that perhaps tells his story better than anything that will be printed in a newspaper.

To learn what an impact he made, consider these postings (and for the uninitiated, I'm sure most of these were text messages from phones, so please excuse the typos, etc.):

When Mr. Dale told me about when he got diagnosed with Cancer, he said this and my mom and I have found it so inspiring and I remember Tricia crying when she heard him say it, "My doctor told me I should pray and tell God about my Cancer. I said no. I told my cancer about god and it knew better." He loves everyone so much at Ravenwood, he told me another time, "god didnt bless me in some ways but he did bless me with a big group of beatiful children?" I asked him how many children and he smiled and told me "A whole school of them, and then some." That man is my hero and always will be. Mr. Dale I really do love you and I hope every substitute teacher and teacher remembers you as the man who "treated us like adults" and "respected each and every one of us", and with all the love in the world.I miss you so much and send my love to the above. -- Nicole Marrero

Mr. Dale, you were my favorite art sub! I love you! and I will miss you! -- Jessica Hamilton

Mr. Dale you were my favorite sub EVER. Every time I'd go into a class and see you id would be like YESSS! MR. DALE ARE YOU GOING TO DO MAGIC TRICKS FOR US?!?!?! and you would say maybe when you all are done! Man Mr. dale I'm going to miss you thank you for brightening up my life and others as well. -- Adam Toudjine

i remember one time he "forgot" to give us the work that our teacher had left for us, and he did the trick where he blew some bubbles and caught one, then turned it into a glass ball. RIP Mr. Dale, you will be greatly missed at Ravenwood and i'm sure everywhere else as well. you were truly an inspiration to always do the right thing, i thank you for that. -- Taylor Francis

I remembered he was subbing for Mr. Sliva one day and he got out his magic beans and did the trick and then told us that one day when he subbed for Page High he did the trick and one of the students wanted to try the magic beans trick so he passed them over to the student. When he tired the trick he didn't catch them on the paper so the students got down on their hands and knees,crawled around on the floor looking for the beans... haha.I thought it was really fun and would share it with yall. -- Mandy Burton

R.I.P. Mr. Dale you were an inspiration to us all. You taught us that we shouldn't take life so seriously that we miss out on new opportunities. Every now and again we need to just enjoy the magical moments in our lives. -- Quinton Harris

I never was able to do the magic beans trick. And I always wanted to punch people in the face when they tried to explain how he did all of his magic. I remember once he was our sub in theater and I was talking about a Cyanide and Happiness comic I saw that (basically) said "I have to stop having phone sex. I have hearing aids!"I said it pretty quietly to, but always on his Game Mr. Dale leans in, looks mildly confused, and says "You know..i just don't understand that phone sex."We all almost died. All 5 of us. I wish more people were in the room to hear it.-- Meagan Dwyer

Services are Thursday at Woodlawn-Roesch-Patton Funeral Home, 660 Thompson Lane, in Nashville (more specifically Berry Hill, between I-65 and Nolensville Road. Get off at the Armory Drive exit as though you are going to Baja Burrito. Turn right onto Thompson. Funeral home is on the left). 

To understand why he had such an impact, check out his website,


  1. Reminds me of "Pay it Forward" We leave a much better place by inspring and positively impacting those around us by simple acts (acts of kindness, gratitude and service)

  2. The last time I saw Mr. Dale, he was subbing in theater. He called me over and taught me the bubble trick. Then he started to tell me about his high school days and how he still holds the record for baseball at his school.
    He was such a joyful man, I never even knew he had cancer.

    Please, be praying for his family and the students that are hit the hardest by this.


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