Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Seen and heard around town....

A crane, a cross and a lot of shaking going on
The cross is down at Brentwood United Methodist Church but don't worry that it's going new-age or church-lite or anything.
It seems that more than a few people had commented of late that the cross atop the Franklin Road landmark church had appeared to be leaning a bit. Since Methodists pride themselves on never leaning right or left but loving everyone, that wouldn't do.
Actually, the real story behind the huge, and I mean huge, crane seen today on the campus is that indeed the cross had not been inspected in 33 years and there were concerns that it wasn't as stable as it had been.
And it wasn't. But all's well that ends well. Apparently everything should be snug and secure again by Thursday.

These women love their needles
Speaking of Brentwood UMC, some of the wild women who meet every Wednesday during the school year to take part in the church's Prayer Shawl Ministry took over a large corner of The Harpeth Grille on Wednesday.
"We just missed everyone so much, we had to get together," said Pat Shobe, the group's leader.
I did notice that only one of the women actually brought her needles and yarn. I think the rest were there to spin yarns if you know what I mean.
Among them was Vera Rusak, a devoted member of St. Henry's Catholic Church. "But she's at Brentwood Methodist every single Wednesday!" Pat said.
If you love to knit, crochet -- or want to learn and be part of something really special -- you can join this fun group come September.

Speaking of The Harpeth Grille
The Town Center restaurant was hopping today. Former City Commission candidate Rod Freeman was just one of many folks spotted there. And here's some news:
On Monday, the restaurant became a bona fide chain. Chef Paul's restaurant, an offshoot of The Harpeth Grille, is now open in Cool Springs just across from Centennial High School in the strip center on Mallory Lane. Different name, same catfish. Life is good.
More details to come as soon as I gather them.

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