Just received this update from City Manager Mike Walker concerning our planning director, Joe Lassus. Many of you will remember that Joe has been on medical leave following the discovery of a brain tumor this past spring.
"Things for Joe have turned for the worse in the past week. Apparently Joe was starting to have coordination problems again. They went to the doctor and went ahead with a MRI. It appears spinal fluid is draining into and building up in the area where the tumor was removed. This area of his brain is near where spinal fluid enters the brain. They still need to determine exactly where the fluid is coming from and if it the fluid can be removed and stopped from leaking into the former tumor area. Joe is going to see the neurologist and oncologist next week so hopefully, they will have a better handle on his condition and what to do. In the interim, they have put him back on steroids – I assume to relieve the pain and discomfort. As soon as I receive additional information, I’ll let you know."
As we've done before, let's keep Joe, his wife Naomi and their family in our prayers.
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