Monday, July 27, 2009

Arrests, new ass't principal, lots more...

It's going to be a busy day in the BrentWord home office :
Mayor Betsy Crossley tells me the three suspects west Brentwood residents were asked to be on the lookout for were arrested last night. Still awaiting confirmation from Brentwood Police, but Chief Ricky Watson says a press release is coming later today. I'll post it as soon as it arrives.

Barkley named BMS assistant principal
Williamson County Schools spokesperson Carol Birdsong has confirmed that Brandon Barkley has been appointed Brentwood Middle Schools' new assistant principal.
New principal, Bill Harlin, shared with BrentWord correspondent Jill Burgin last week that Barkley had been tapped. Barkley taught algebra and served as a basketball coach at Sunset Middle School.
"He is going to be a great addition to the Brentwood Middle School administrative team," Harlin told Burgin.
Birdsong told me she does not know of other new hires at the school yet.

Mark your calendar for school director interviews
Birdsong has also confirmed the interview dates for the five Williamson County Schools' superintendent finalists. The schedule is as follows:
Monday, August 3
6 p.m., Dr. David Heath, interim superintendent, Williamson County Schools.
8 p.m., Dennis Dearden, senior vice president, Partnership for Excellence, Ariz.
Tuesday, Aug. 4
6 p.m., Dr. Barry Carroll, superintendent, Limestone County Schools, Ala.
8 p.m., Michael Looney, superintendent, Butler County School District, Ala.
Wednesday, August 5
6 p.m., James Wilson, former superintendent, Fulton County School System, Ga.
The interviews, open to the public, will take place in the Carolyn Campbell Room in the Administrative Complex, 1320 West Main St.,in Franklin.
For background on all of the candidates, please see my previous post at:

Need a laptop cheap? On agenda at tonight's City Commission meeting
The City Commission meets at 7 p.m. tonight and among the items on the agenda are approval of the sale of surplus city equipment. The Brentwood Police Department lists many items, including a slew of laptop computers. But not all of them, hopefully, will be up for bid to folks like you and me.
The department is recommending that "14 of the 33 lap-top computers proposed for disposal be transferred to the Ashland City Police Department. At the last auction in 2008, the City received between $10-$30 for each lap-top computer, therefore, the City will forgo between $140-$420 in potential revenue from this donation."
That's OK. The department has often sold or donated equipment it is replacing or upgrading to smaller departments with much smaller budgets. It's a win-win for public safety everywhere.
But back to the agenda item, the list of surplus equipment is interesting. You can see it at and learn more about the resolution to authorize the sale at the city's website, Just click on the City Commission meeting link from the home page.
And while you're there, check out some of the other, not-so-fun items on the agenda too. Might just intrigue you enough to show up. Now that's a concept!

Lots more to share, so check back often.
In the meantime, if you missed any of last week's or the weekend postings, just scroll down. You'll find a story on Demetria Kalodimas, the most recent city crime report, my thoughts on Harry Potter and why you should go see it, or any movie at Thoroughbred 20 in Cool Springs, on Tuesdays.

Do you have news to share? Email me at

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