For the time being, how about these fun connections:
Brentwood Realtors win 'Dream Home' 
Last night's winning ticket in the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway couldn't have had two more deserving winners, says my friend Brenda Squires of Franklin.
Steve and Michelle Sadler of Nashville are the proud new owners of the 4-bedroom, 3.5 bath Westhaven home valued at $650,000. According to local Fox news affiliate WZTV-17, $1.6 million was raised this year to benefit St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis.
So what's the Brentwood connection, you ask? Brenda writes:
"Steve and Michelle are both struggling Realtors with Re-Max Elite of Brentwood. They buy a ticket every year." And every year they go tour the house before the drawing. Every year until this year, Brenda continued.
Last night's winning ticket in the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway couldn't have had two more deserving winners, says my friend Brenda Squires of Franklin.
Steve and Michelle Sadler of Nashville are the proud new owners of the 4-bedroom, 3.5 bath Westhaven home valued at $650,000. According to local Fox news affiliate WZTV-17, $1.6 million was raised this year to benefit St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis.
So what's the Brentwood connection, you ask? Brenda writes:
"Steve and Michelle are both struggling Realtors with Re-Max Elite of Brentwood. They buy a ticket every year." And every year they go tour the house before the drawing. Every year until this year, Brenda continued.
When Steve got the call telling him they held the lucky ticket, he raced down to Franklin around 10 p.m. Michelle, who has a second job to help make ends meet, joined him as soon as she got off work at 10:30. So at about 10:45, they got the first look at their new home together, along with their two young children, Will, 5, and Ellie Grace, 3.
The couple were set to appear on Fox 17's morning show this morning.
Interviewed by Fox's John Dunn, Stephen Sadler spoke about why the couple always by a ticket. "I guess I never expect to win, I mean that's just not what we expect to do, so we look at it more as a just a contribution with the opportunity, if you want to call it that. ... We've been blessed with healthy children but we know there are so many out there, and (St. Jude's does) a good job at taking care of things so that's kind of why we choose to go in this direction," he said.
The couple were set to appear on Fox 17's morning show this morning.
Interviewed by Fox's John Dunn, Stephen Sadler spoke about why the couple always by a ticket. "I guess I never expect to win, I mean that's just not what we expect to do, so we look at it more as a just a contribution with the opportunity, if you want to call it that. ... We've been blessed with healthy children but we know there are so many out there, and (St. Jude's does) a good job at taking care of things so that's kind of why we choose to go in this direction," he said.
Most Beautiful Mollie Heibert's in People
Reader Debbie Heibert writes that her daughter, Mollie, a BHS, University of Kentucky and Florida State grad, is in People magazine this week! As one of the mag's "Most Beautiful People ..."
OK, that's not really why but it could be. Here's the real scoop, as shared by her mom:
"Mollie was on and saw they asked ‘ask Brad Paisley a question’ so she did. Her question was 'Why do you wear a white hat?' Soon she got an e-mail saying she had made the cut for her question to be asked. Then last Wednesday she got another e-mail saying her question was going to be in the magazine.
Check her question out on page 68 of the July 6 issue which is on newsstands now. They even spelled her name correctly!"
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