Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

It's a beautiful but warm Sunday morning here in downtown Brentwood. The only thing I could wish for would be to be at my younger brother's Yorktown, Va. home with the rest of my siblings to celebrate Father's Day.
My dad, Baxter Brooks Taylor Jr., B.B. to friends, turns 82 this fall. A banker by profession, he could have been the prototype for any number of '50s and '60s TV shows. I've always thought he looked a bit like Andy Griffith (it's the ears) but he was more in the Ward Cleaver and Leave it to Beaver vein.
We were not perfect children by any means (OK, my brother John might have been), but we all have turned out mostly OK. Which I attribute in no small part to my parents, who taught us right from wrong, the value of consequences and to make our beds every morning. They also got us to church every week even when we started driving and had minds of our own.
We were never the most important thing in our family, or the center of the universe. And for all of these things I will be eternally grateful.
Happy Fathers Day Daddy, and to my sons' dad, Larry, and to my brothers and brother-in-law and all the other dads out there. Enjoy the day ... and the U.S. Open, a special group gift wives across the nation made happen with a lot of money and hard work. Don't be fooled into thinking the PGA or NBC had anything to do with it.
Because as we all know, women can do anything. Except be fathers.
Enjoy your day!

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