COOL SPRINGS -- Need a new 'do? Then get thyself to Macy's Ecotage Salon and Spa Thursday for a makeover that helps United Way at the same time.
United Way of Williamson County, of course, doesn't need a makeover. It's image is already flawless. But like so many agencies, the economy hasn't been kind to it this year. Donations are flat but needs are growing. So "Cuts for a Cause" comes right at the right time.
From 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday, the spa inside Macy’s CoolSprings Galleria store will offer free haircuts, 15-minute massages, a lip wax or an eyebrow wax in exchange for a donation to the United Way. No appointments are necessary.
All money raised will support 47 United Way-funded programs in Williamson County. If you have questions, please contact Sonya Johnson at 771-2312.
To contribute in other ways or to learn more about United Way of Williamson County please visit: www.uwwc.org or call the office at 615-771-2312.
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