Sunday, June 7, 2009

'Cowboys' at Crockett and lots more ...

It's shaping up to be a busy week in Brentwood and for ...

Tonight's Riders in the Sky concert in the Eddy Arnold Amphitheater at Crockett Park marks the real start of the 15th annual Brentwood Summer Concert Season. And fans of cowboy music and comedy should pack a picnic, lawn chairs or a blanket and head out to enjoy the free show. The forecast calls for 84 degrees and sunny skies at 7 p.m. so don't forget your visors and sunglasses for the first hour or so.
Remember that parking at Crockett Park can be tricky, so if you don't live close enough to walk or bike to the park, consider parking at the Y or River Park or the library and heading over from there.
Looks like we're getting a new restaurant in Maryland Farms. The city's beer board will convene before Monday night's City Commission meeting to consider a beer permit for the new business at 214 Ward Circle.
Can't wait to check it out and get details. I'll share as soon as I have them.
Next on Monday's agenda is the actual commission meeting. The agenda looks like a sleeper, but don't be lulled into thinking it's not important. The city's 2009-2010 budget and Capital Improvement s Program are both up for the second of three public hearings. Two weeks ago no one spoke out in favor or opposition. If you have any concerns or suggestions, this is your chance. You'll find links to them here:
On Tuesday, the Summer Reading Program gets under way at the Brentwood Library and it's not too late to register and take part in all the fun activities planned.
Chris Rumble kicks things off at 1 p.m. for an all-ages music program. Rumble uses upbeat songs to get kids excited about reading. According to the library website, "He takes classic songs and changes the words around to exalt the virtues of reading. In addition to the music, Chris incorporates art into the performance as he draws cartoons for the kids on a big sketch pad."
On Thursday, ventriloquist Ken Karter follows with his The Funny Dummy Show, also at 1 p.m. Designed for audiences age 6 and up, "Ken's comedy vocal impressionist act has thrilled audiences throughout the world, and that's no joke! His wonderful cast of characters offers a fantastic roller coaster ride of comedy, ventriloquism, and audience participation, making it the ideal performance."
With all the construction taking place at the library, seating is limited and will be on a first come, first served basis so get there early. For more details on the SRP and upcoming shows, visit

Also on Tuesday, the city's green committee (officially the Environmental Quality Coordinating Committee) is hosting its public input session designed to gather input and ideas from city residents regarding environmental issues affecting our community.
It starts at 6 p.m. If you're a resident who recycles and has an opinion on the topic, this meeting is for you. If you are a small-business and/or property owner worried about new restrictions, this meeting is for you. If you're a proponent of all things green, this meeting is for you.
Let's have a great turnout. See you there.
ps: It's not too late to fill out the online survey the committee will use to help shape its recommendations to the city. You can find it at:
Come back to BrentWord often this week for lots of other stories and updates. For instance, I want to nail down exactly what "House Cottages" mean for Ravenwood High School. Could that be a nice way of saying "portables"? Inquiring minds want to know.

Have a great story idea or Brentwood news to share? Email

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