Saturday, April 25, 2009

Prom gods smile down on Brentwood

Tonight Ravenwood High's upperclassman will be dancing under the stars, or close to it, when their prom takes place at Historic Carnton Plantation. Can't wait for reports about how it goes under the big tent. The weather couldn't be better and I know many parents have been working hard to make it a memorable night.
While I'm sending good thoughts to all those decorating this morning, I'm so happy to be at my desk, still in my jams, at 9:59 this Saturday. Last week we were three hours into building the "set" for Brentwood High's 'Emerald Enclave" prom at The Factory.
The Brentwood prom -- with the exception of the late rain, and possibly the song choices by the DJ (lame in my 49-year-old, Prom Mom opinion; whatever happened to live bands?) -- the evening couldn't have been better.
Hope everyone attending and associated with tonight's event has a marvelous time too.

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