Monday, April 27, 2009

Four votes cast, final goes to Freeman

Today at 11:43 a.m. I became the 936th voter at the Brentwood Library and 1277th overall in the City Commission election.
That means there are still 24,738 votes to be cast on or before Election Day, May 5.
At least that's what my new friends, Election Commissioner Elaine Hughes and poll workers Wanda Graham and Stephen Argalas told me when I made it to the Teen Central area to cast my votes.
Brentwood has 26,015 registered voters, Elaine shared. Let's see if we can't at least top 20 percent in this important local election.
After a lot of thought, and a great meeting over coffee last Friday, Rod Freeman has earned my last vote.
The decision did not come easy. It meant not voting for two incumbents who have served the city long and well. It meant not voting for a female candidate after being so pumped during last year's election cycle when women made great strides in political arenas. Natalie Mertie has really grown as a candidate over the course of the election and deserves consideration.
But in getting to know Rod, I was so impressed that he is not a politician. Far from it. He almost apologized for running and is the first to admit he's uncomfortable in the political arena, though he has the best resume of all the candidates in another type of one.
The former NBA and Vandy basketball player is quiet and thoughtful. He has been active in the community for over two decades, through schools, Rotary, youth sports and his church. He's owns his own company and understands how the current economy is affecting small businesses.
I left our meeting assured that he had no hidden agendas and is not running to represent any particular group or constituency.
So my four votes went to incumbent Paul Webb, and newcomers Devin McClendon, Rhea Little and Rod Freeman.
Your votes are yours. No matter who you support, the important thing is to become an informed voter and participate in the process. If you haven't yet voted -- and that would include almost 24,000 Brentwood citizens -- take some time evaluating all of the candidates. Think about your priorities and concerns about the city in the coming years. Give the candidates a call. Review newspaper stores that have already been published. Talk to your friends and neighbors.
Then vote.
Seven of the 10 candidates have websites. Here are links if you'd like to learn more:


So happy to report that an unplanned contribution to Rhea Little's campaign was averted today, through the quick action of AAA.
Son Thomas' 1991 Plymouth Acclaim had been acting up again. It would crank but not start.
Trying our best to keep the auto club in business during the economic downtown, I called, once again, for help, expecting it to be towed, once again, to Little Brothers Shell on Franklin Road.
Amazing things happen though when a car that's gas gauge reads almost empty is pushed onto level ground.
Another miracle to add to the books.
Coming tomorrow: Move over Starbucks, there's new competition in town


  1. Susan, can there really be 24,000 registered voters in Brentwood when the population is about 32,000? Are they registering school children now?

    Allow me to take just a little joy in correcting a journalist's spelling -- it's incumbent, not incumbant (both times!).

  2. Everyone needs an editor, thanks for being mine. Will fix ASAP. Yes, according to the Elaine Hughes, there are 26,015 registered voters in Brentwood. The average age here is 40.9, so it's not that surprising. Most current population numbers have the city closing in on 36,000. Thanks for reading!

  3. Look at that... full text in my RSS feed. Thanks for making it work that way now.


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