Monday, August 10, 2009

Mayor: Fairview pig went gangbusters

Don't ever think Mayor Betsy Crossley is one to make excuses. No sirree, she gives credit where credit's due, and in this case, she gave it to a little brown pig that put her piggy to shame.
The second annual Mayor's Pig Race Friday helped kick off opening night activities at the Williamson County Fair and our Brentwood mayor tried her best to retain the crown won last year by then-Vice Mayor Paul Webb. Alas, it wasn't to be.
County Mayor Rogers Anderson's pig brought home the bacon, by winning two of the three heats.
"My pig was doing great, and I really thought we had it until right at the very end when that pig just held up," she said. "The Fairview mayor's pig just came up gangbusters." And beat hers by about 25 snouts, she said.
Since she was just elected to a two-year term, she said she looks forward to coming back and trying again next year. She added she will spend the off-season in training. Not sure exactly what she means, but when she puts her mind to something look out.

Speaking of the fair, check out its website to see what's happening out there today and the rest of the week. Plus, here's a link to a Tennessean story about how corporate sponsorships help keep our local fairs afloat.
Maybe the 2010 edition will be the "Williamson County Fair presented by Brentwood Home Page." It has a nice ring to it.

Williamson County Fair website:
Middle Tennessee fairs find ways to stay afloat:

Not giving in to bum knee

Speaking of the mayor, Betsy let her friends on Facebook know that she is having knee surgery on Thursday.
What's the matter, I asked her.
What's not the matter, she replied, rambling off a long list of things like arthritis, a torn meniscus, something about a burr and a this and a that; well, you get the picture.
So how long are you going to be out of commission? I asked.
"Well, I'll probably miss Rotary on Friday," she said, but noted she expects to be back in the office on Monday, albeit on crutches.
As for tonight's City Commission meeting, she said it should be "pretty mundane and boring," but hinted by the time September rolls around, things should liven up again. I think that's good news...

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