Monday, August 10, 2009

Christmas comes early to principals

The bigger-than-normal crowd at Monday night's City Commission meeting was on its best behavior before the mayor hit the gavel and got things going.
Turns out most of the individuals filling the right-hand corner of the board room weren't citizens upset over last month's rise in sewer rates, or Boy Scouts working on government merit badges.
Every principal of a Brentwood public school was on hand to receive a gift from the city -- gifts in the forms of checks approved as part of the 2009-2010 fiscal year budget.
Maintaining excellence in our local schools is a priority, Mayor Betsy Crossley said, as she shared that over the years the city has donated more than $3.6 million to local schools. This year's donation totals $225,000 "or almost a quarter of a million dollars."
Each elementary school principal received a check for $10,000, while each middle school principal was handed an envelope with a $15,000 one. Kevin Keidel and Dr. Pam Vaden, principals of Brentwood and Ravenwood high schools respectively, each gratefully accepted checks written out for $60,000.
Keidel said he wanted to thank the board "not only for the donation, but for all your support." He specifically mentioned the city's recent ban on guns in city parks which allowed schools to continue to use park facilities for school athletics and other programming. Brentwood High, which is just completing a $3.8 million renovation, will use the money to buy computers for its new library, he said.
In addition to the principals, school board members Pat Anderson, Susan Graham and Terry Leve, who all represent Brentwood districts, attended.

Happy Birthday Mrs. Graham
Speaking of the school board, Graham sure earned some brownie points for being there. The mayor noted to one and all that it was Graham's 50th birthday. She had delayed celebrating with her family in order to see the check presentations.
I knew I liked that woman. But gosh, I would have sworn she was 38 like me.

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