Monday, August 10, 2009

Kids: Let the countdown begin

Bruins will start right on time
I just love a good rumor. So, apparently does Carol Birdsong, Williamson County Schools spokesperson. I could almost see her smiling about the most recent one I sent her to dispel.
Sorry Bruins, Brentwood High starts bright and early Thursday morning, right on schedule.
Apparently some had heard it was opening a week late because of construction delays.
Not so, says Carol. "I just love a good rumor but I have to say that there is not one bit of truth to it. We are looking good at BHS. .. I hope to head over that way this week to see the new TV studio and classroom."

RHS population tops 1900
Over at Ravenwood, the rumors of a growing student population are true. Dr. Pam Vaden, RHS principal, told the Brentwood City Commission Monday night that as of this morning, enrollment there has topped 1,900. Luckily for her, she was at the meeting to receive a check from the city for $60,000. She said it will go in part to the additional instructional materials needed to keep up with the growing number of students.
As for the rumor that the increase at Ravenwood can be attributed to the growing number of private school students who are switching to public given the economy, well, Carol shoots that one down too ... to a point.
"Regular growth is the reason for portables at RHS,"she said. "We knew well in advance we would have to have them there.
"I don't have any numbers to give you regarding private school enrollment although we know we have had some increase (from private school and home school students) across the county."

And on a final note...
Two days and counting kids: Have you finished your summer reading?

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