Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today at Brentwood Home Page

Happy Thursday!
The sun returned this afternoon, just in time for some Thursday night football. Ravenwood's playing at home; the Titans are playing downtown, and college ball is on TV. And, of course, the 'Dores are going to take it to Western Carolina on Saturday!
Today at Brentwood Home Page, you'll find our second slide show. We may just get good at it if we keep trying. This one features pictures of the incredible new library at Brentwood High School. OK, it's not entirely new but it could be. Check it out.
In BrentWord, I share a few of my favorite Facebook friends thoughts. Hope they don't mind.
Dr. Jim Wellborn starts his new parenting column that's all about parenting TEENS. Yes, we still need some help and advice even when the kids get older. In fact, we need more of it.
Jill Burgin has new column on what she didn't do over summer vacation.
And there are lots of new postings on our inside sections, many of them contributed by readers like you.
So, there you have it. If you haven't checked out, you can now. We're putting new stories up everyday. Please sign in so you can start getting our email blasts. Actually, sign up even if you are already getting the email blasts. You'll then be eligible for contests and giveaways of things like tropical vacations and gold bars and Titans PSLs and season tickets. And if you believe that ...
But please do sign up, and spread the word about "the go to place for everything Brentwood."
And, of course, thanks for reading

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